ERS97 STV Count for Contest Sports Officer in Event GSA COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2018

Count requested by : mstallworthy_GSA
Number of positions to fill : 1

Count configuration
Kate Densley
RON -  Re-Open Nominations

Complete Count of Votes

Candidate Name                           | Choice #1 | Choice #2 |
Kate Densley                             |       257 |        12 |
RON -  Re-Open Nominations               |        24 |        59 |

                       Stage : 1
                   StageType : First

                   Candidate|     Tally|   Surplus|   Elected|  Excluded|
                Kate Densley|    140.50|    116.50|         X|          |
  RON -  Re-Open Nominations|     24.00|      0.00|          |          |

Quota calculated as 140.5
Kate Densley was elected
All positions filled, count completed
