GSA Election drop in session with Pürnur Altay – GSA President


Are you considering running for a Sabbatical Officer or Student Trustee role? Do you have any questions about the roles or how the election works? Come along to our drop-in session to talk about all things elections!

Details for joining the Zoom session:


Meeting ID: 946 6157 5971 Passcode: 444046

Sabbatical Officers lead your postgraduate union and are in the rooms where key decisions are made at the University, representing you!

In this election, we are also electing student trustees, these roles are hugely significant as they are part of a team that decides the direction of the GSA. They are legally responsible for the organisation, from everything to do with the finances of the GSA, the reputation of the GSA and any legal matters. The GSA is a student-led, members based organisation and having students as part of our decision-making process is absolutely essential. Did you know that Sabbatical Officers are also trustees? This means that two thirds of our trustee board is made up of students and representatives which is awesome!

You can nominate yourself for a position at

All information and election rules can be found on our website If you have any further questions or are unable to attend the drop in session, get in touch with us at . Alternatively you can contact any of our Sabbatical Officers about their roles!

President –
Vice-President Academic –
Vice-President Wellbeing and Community –

Event Details

Date: 06/05/2021, 14:00 - 15:00