York GSA By-Elections Announcement

This October, the GSA held their annual autumn elections to elect students into Part-Time Officer, Course Representative, GTA Representative and Scrutiny Officer positions. With over 200 nominations for roles, we were thrilled to fill lots of these positions. However, not all these roles were filled and some roles students voted to re-open nominations. Therefore, in accordance with our by-laws, we are holding a by-election to fill these roles.

By-Election Schedule:

Nominations Open – 9th November 2020
Nominations Close – 23 November 2020
Voting Opens – 25th November 2020
Voting Closes – 30th November 2020
Results – 1st December 2020

The following roles are still available:

Part-Time Officer roles:

GTA Representative roles:

Course Representative roles will be released upon nomination opening.

5th November 2020